According to estimated data from 2017, one million people suffered from depression in Poland, while according to the data of the National Health Fund, in 2018 over 630 thousand people were diagnosed in Poland. cases of depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls that depression can affect up to hundreds of millions of people around the world, of which nearly 75% of cases concern women. Statistically, Poland has significantly fewer cases of depression than the average for other European countries (2.8% of the population compared to the average of 4.2%). It is puzzling that the average in Poland is significantly below the European average, it is possible that such a low percentage of diagnoses is due to the degree of awareness of the problem of depression.
How can depression be characterized? It is certainly a complex problem, but in simple words it can be said that it is a state in which the joy of life and the feeling of pleasure disappear, there is a depressed mood, apathy, indifference, irritability, difficulty in controlling mood, sadness. Depression often occurs along with other neurological problems and chronic pain conditions.
Treatment of depression focuses on psychotherapy and pharmacology, which have been well-proven with documented efficacy, but many scientific studies in recent years have shown a significant association between low magnesium intake and depression in adults. What does it mean? In the group of people diagnosed with depression, a significantly lower level of magnesium in the body is observed, and additionally, the inclusion of magnesium supplementation contributes to a faster return to normal functioning. The exact effect of magnesium on depression is not yet well understood, but the available research is very promising and strongly suggests the inclusion of this mineral as an adjunct treatment.
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